Poiqpoiq888's profile

69 year-old
West Islip, United States
I am a 60 year old Caucasian man of Italian descent, married to a wonderful Chinese woman whom I love and am very proud of. I enjoy fishing, nature and good food and friends. Family and friends are very important in my life. I have 24 years business experience manufacturing ladies clothing and now work a more relaxing job at a local college as a Public Safety Officer. I have what I need. My background is rich from working with many kinds of people. God has blessed me in my life with good parents, sisters and children and many other blessings. I am thankful. I value my freedoms and do not trust any governments. When I need peace I go out on my small boat to the sea and my mind escapes from my normal existence. I can write well and see ahead where many cannot. My wife and I share a business supplying fishing rods and fishing reels to fishing boats. Growing vegetables and flowers adds enjoyment to my meals, and pleasant surroundings at home. It is easy to give flowers to your wife when you grow them. Simple can be rich when enjoyed.

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