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Braden's description

Hello my name is Braden. I'm a twenty year old college student in the the United States. I am currently pursuing a degree in history and playing tennis for my college. I speak English and some very rudimentary German. I am seeking a female penpal that is around my age. Feel free to message me and ask any questions. Favorite Books: Candide, The Prince, Heart of a Dog, The Great Gatsby, and Macbeth Favorite Movies: Casablanca, Good Will Hunting, A Knight's Tale, Definitely Maybe, Wimbledon, and Happy Gilmore Favorite TV Shows: The Office (US), Kyle XY, Arrow, The Flash, South Park, and Family Guy Favorite Bands/Artists: Artist vs Poet, Coldplay, The All-American Rejects, The Script, and Frank Sinatra Interests: Tennis (obviously), Reading, Writing Poetry, Ping Pong, Video Games, and Dancing (Street)

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