NadieD's profile

32 year-old
Ottawa, Canada
Hi! ^_^ Many changes have occurred in my life recently –all for the best, of course (I hope!)- and I now find myself in an all new chapter of the somewhat interesting story of my life. My home, my job and my social scene are not what they used to be, and more on the social scene, I`m starting from scratch (almost). Having a pen pal to share my adventures, misadventures, the things I see and all that jazz with has always been an appealing idea to me, and I figure, what better way to start making new ties to the human world than this, and what better time to start looking for one than the present? The opportunity to meet new people from across the globe and indulge in my passion for writing as well is juts too good to pass on, too. My main interests are... ...nature, tea shopping, sciences (at beginner levels), kayaking, camping, food, sci-fi, art, photography and learning about cool new interesting subjects. My main hobbies are... ...writing, crafting things, cooking/baking/confectioning, taking care of a multitude of plants, reading, home decorating, puzzles and puzzle-style games, planning for the future, learning about new, interesting things and researching new subjects related to my main interests, hobbies and life in general.

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From Australia
From Australia
From Netherlands, The

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