Japanese penpals

Return to Eastern Asia.


34 year-old Female, from Japan.
Hi,I'm 22years-old Japanese girl and college...
37 year-old Male, from Japan.
31 year-old Male, from Japan.
hello all :) I have 18 years old and live in ...
32 year-old Male, from Japan.
Hello there. i'm looking for British friend. i am...
41 year-old Female, from Japan.
Hi,world! I'm looking for some girlz penpals ...
35 year-old Male, from Japan.
i like music(play piano and guitar), v-kei i...
53 year-old Male, from Japan.
I am looking for a japanese girl.
40 year-old Male, from Japan.
Hi. My name is Makoto I'm Japanese. I'm a...
61 year-old Male, from Japan.
Imprisoned in a small insular country, I look...
33 year-old Female, from Japan.
Hi everyone~! I'm not japanese but i live in...
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