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jakub's description

I think my mates would say,I was fun loving crazy guy how also have a naughty side,Ialways look for the best in people who ever they may be,or where ever they come from, not the sort of guy to judge people has I know !I'm not perfact myself ,getting to know people who ever they are, or where ever they come from,I have a love for my music and the many concerts I play at ,very to have my own grand piano ,I also enjoy having somthing bewteen my legs, its called a cello, looking for male email friends but they must be human able to think for them selfs, would like the opportunity to share the the deeper inners of myself in other words what makes me tick,my dreams my fantasy my ups and downs to life, there is so much to me , just waiting to get out, can be abit out spoken at times,very open minded, and always give honest answer to things asked of me, and expect the same in return

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