Cocoapops's profile

49 year-old
Leicester, United Kingdom
Hi there thanks for dropping by. A bit about me then. In a nutshell, I love wide open spaces, forests and valleys within mountainous scenery. I spend as much of my spare time as possible either hiking with my dog and/or cycling around the countryside. I am particularly hoping to talk to people in Canada or New Zealand as have been in love with those wilderness's for some time. New Zealand is an outdoor lovers paradise!!! I have just hit the big 40 and have no regrets or hang ups but am heading back to University for a career change. I am considering spending a month in the Alps this year before I hit my studies so anyone in France who can show me the delights of the Alps would fabulous. Just to be clear, I am not looking for a relationship, as am going to be really busy in the next few years but you can never have too many friends!!! I am, however, hoping to meet some interesting people. If you think that's you please get in touch!

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